FriendsHip Zone


Hi, thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you could visit it back next time.

Babe, I need to be your friend.

According to Indonesian’s passion “BHINEKA TUNGGAL IKA”, so we must make unity in diversity.

After reading this blog you must comment and then give your link in the comment box below. And then, link me please…

We don’t care about your nation, your eyes, your skin, your hair, your religion, your father, and so on. REMEMBER, We need your hand to be a good friend.

Here it’s my worksheet:

Friends, you could link me as a widget. How ??
On wordpress, just go to your dashboard>design>>widgets>>>teks>>>>copy and paste the code below

-Fantastic Dreams5

<a href=””><img src=”; ></a>

-PMR SMPN 1 Bangkinang

<a href=”><img src=”; alt=”” width=”15%” height=”50%” ></a>

17 thoughts on “FriendsHip Zone

  1. Ya allah, berkati mereka yang membaca blog ini… Ya allah, berikanlah kenikmatan mu kepada yang comment di blog ini… Ya allah, sayangilah orang yang sering berkunjung kesini… Ya allah, cintailah kami yang berada di blog ini.. Ya allah, berikanlah petunjukmu pada admin blog ini…


  2. wordpress nya keren…
    ajarin aku cara ngemodifikasi nya donk…
    baru bikin nich…
    gimana cara bikin…beranda…forum bebas…terus friendshipzone…de el el…

    trus bikin tempat download nya juga…

    reply plizzz….

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